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easy snacks recipes

easy snacks recipes
easy snacks recipes
Open cucumber sandwiches and trout easy snacks recipes
healthy afternoon snacks
Yield: 4
easy snacks recipes
easy snacks recipes
    2 x 125 g pack of smoked trout filets without skin hot
    Quark 250 g tub
    Horseradish sauce 1 teaspoon
    a squeeze of fresh lemon
    4 thick slices of granary bread
    50 g / 2 oz watercress
    1/2 cucumber, sliced
    4 handfuls of cherry tomatoes, to serve
    black pepper
easy snacks recipes
easy snacks recipes
    With a fork, flake the fish , then place in a large bowl. Add to Quark and horseradish sauce . Season well with black pepper and lemon juice .
    Toast the bread well . Arrange watercress and cucumber on top. Spread quarter of trout pate above. Garnish with cherry tomatoes on one side and serve.
easy snacks recipes
Inflated crab noodles
easy snacks recipes
Yield: 4
easy snacks recipes
healthy afternoon snacks
    Noodles 100 g / 4 oz plain rice
    200 g / 8 oz stir fried Chinese style vegetables
    4 teaspoons fish sauce
    1.2 liters / 2 pints of vegetable broth
    4 tablespoons chili sauce
    2 x 170 g / 5 3/ 4 ounces of white crab meat in brine
    a large handful of coriander leaves , coarsely chopped , for garnish
easy snacks recipes
healthy afternoon snacks
    Bring a large pot of water to boil . In a bowl, add noodles and vegetables.
    Pour boiling water into the bowl of noodles and vegetables. Allow the mixture to soak for 5 minutes . Make sure the noodles are tender and the vegetables are tender .
    Mix the fish sauce , broth and chili sauce in a saucepan and heat.
    Drain the pasta and vegetables, then transfer to individual bowls.
    Dispersion crab meat into bowls and pour hot broth again .
    Garnish with coriander and serve immediately.
healthy afternoon snacks
spring Minestrone
healthy snacks for work

serve 2

healthy afternoon snacks
    100 g / 4 mixed green vegetables ( asparagus , beans and spring onions ) oz
    350 ml / 12 oz hot vegetable stock
    Pasta 70 g / 5 oz cooked
    Beans 1/2 x e.g. tin of butter , drained and rinsed
    1 1/2 tablespoons of green pesto

healthy snacks for work

    Mix the vegetables and broth in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about 4 minutes until vegetables are cooked .
    Pour over vegetables cooked pasta. Add the butter and 1/2 tablespoon of pesto beans. Pass for warmth.
    Pour into individual bowls. Garnish with remaining pesto and serve.